Best Smart Toddlers Shoes

Congratulations now that your baby is walking. The feeling is exciting. Now that your baby is cruising, you may want to do her first shoe shopping. The market is flooded with various types of shoes, and it can make you feel confused- especially if it is your first time. You can guarantee baby shoes are cute. Sometimes you might get lost in awe as you wonder which to pick.

attipas_logoDespite the type, ensure your baby shoes are flexible, lightweight and support natural foot movement. Breathability is another aspect that you cannot ignore. Get rubber-soled footwear to prevent the baby from slipping or sliding. There are many suitable types, but we mostly advise on the following:

Here are the best smart Toddlers shoes

1] Attipas Lady Pink

Spice up your girl’s footwear style with this fantastic Lady Pink shoes. It is ideal for toddler aging from 9 – 18 months. It is explicitly designed for physio-dynamic and kinetic testing. It is, therefore, the best for toddler’s walking. They are steady and stable. They also help in brain development and helps in distributing foot pressure equally. They are lightweight-similar to wearing socks. Their breathability is incredible and allows free for movement.

2] BirdRock Baby Moccasins

Baby Moccasins are high quality, adorable and genuine leather shoes. They come in a ton of cute and bright colors and styles. They are also endowed with confetti polka dots and emoji. Your baby will love them! The soft sole promotes natural walking. They support ankle hence helps the baby to gain balance. If you want to instill courage in your baby as he/she make the first steps, then BirdRock Baby Moccasins are ideal for you.

3] Robeez Infant Slip-On

Getting into a stall to get baby shoes can make you feel confused. We are all suckers for cuteness and style. It is not attipas-functional-toddler-shoes-smalljust about buying shoes that stick on the feet but how they can help the baby on first steps. Robeez baby shoes are fashionable in the market. Not because they are cute and supportive, but because they are comfortable and lightweight. They are made of quality fabric. They are also affordable hence you will not be out of your budget.

4] Sperry To-Sider Crib Boat

If you are looking for ways to spice your baby footwear, they Sperry To-Sider is your choice. It boasts of its flexibility and padded collar. It is comfortable and helps in coordinating baby’s movement. The cotton laces are soft for tying. Rubber soles prevent the baby from sliding and for traction. It is ideal for newborn to 12-months babies.

5] Stride Rite Vivian Sandal

It is soft and ultra-flexible baby shoes. You need not look further. The memory foam sole makes it comfortable. Leather upper makes it flexible to allow foot development. The mesh linings offer comfort and excellent breathability.

Buying baby shoes can be confusing due to many types of the market. But with the above choices, you cannot go wrong. Get your baby the best shoes to support their feet development and coordinate the movement. It is not just about looking cute but feeling cute too.

Check Out – Guide to Ergonomic Baby Shoes and How to Shop for Smart Baby Shoe

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